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Wills Tag

Mann and Co > Posts tagged "Wills"

The Importance of Wills For Young People

Research shows that a huge 70% of the UK population does that have an up-to-date Will that reflects their current personal circumstances and final wishes. What’s more, young people are often the biggest offenders when it comes to not creating a Will. This is because people are usually in denial of mortality, and believe that they don’t need to create a Will until they are much older. Why Do Young People Need to Make a Will?  A Will gives young adults an important voice such they become incapacitated or passes earlier than expected.  If one becomes incapacitated, the power of attorney needs to identify someone...

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Importance of A Will for A Business Owner

Man with pen against law document

Although many of us don’t like to think about it, leaving your business due to death is unavoidable. Therefore, having a solid will in place reduces the risk of losing everything that you have worked hard for. Having a will and plan in place means that you can be assured that your assets will be covered in a way that you wish, and also prevent them from being allocated in courts of law. What is a Business Will?  A will is an agreement that takes the form of a buy and sell option, ensuring a smooth transition of business ownership, in the...

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The Importance of a Will for Unmarried Couples

Man with pen against law document

In order to ensure that your estate passes in lines with your wishes once you die, it is recommended that everyone has a valid Will. This is also vital for unmarried couples, who wish to provide for their partner and their children in the event of death. Under intestacy rules, if marriage has not been taken out then the surviving partner or children would not be provided for, which could lead to stress and serious financial issues. This also applies to the send-off of their loved ones, as without being appointed as an Executor, the surviving partner will have no say...

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